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San Antonio's Top Eye Doctor for Droopy Eyelids

Droopy Eyelids (Ptosis)

In most cases, ptosis, a condition that causes a drooping upper eyelid, happens to older adults as they age. Sometimes, however, a child may be born with or develop ptosis due to another condition or issues with the nerves or muscles. In turn, this can cause other problems and eye conditions like a lazy eye.

In addition to drooping eyelids, common ptosis symptoms to watch out for include difficulty keeping their eyes open and eye fatigue. Your child may also tilt their head back in an attempt to see better, or raise their eyebrows in order to open their eyes more. Children with ptosis may also take longer to crawl or walk than their peers, and they might be prone to running into things hanging overhead.

If you suspect your child may have ptosis, don’t hesitate to contact Alamo Pediatric Eye Center. With two decades of clinical experience, Dr. Manpreet Chhabra and his team are skilled in helping children of all ages. From diagnosis to treatment, Alamo Pediatric Eye Center can help you and your family receive the care you need. Schedule an appointment today and ensure your child is receiving the high-quality eye care they need to protect their vision.


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Droopy Eyelid Causes: Eyelid Surgery for Droopy Eyelids

Ptosis can affect both the appearance and functionality of a child's eyes, potentially impacting their vision and overall well-being. There are several possible causes of ptosis, including:

  • Genetics: Some children are born with ptosis due to underdeveloped or improperly functioning eyelid muscles.
  • Injury: Trauma to the eye or surrounding area can damage the muscles or nerves responsible for eyelid movement.
  • Nerve conditions: Problems affecting the nerves controlling the eyelid muscles, such as myasthenia gravis or Horner's syndrome, can lead to ptosis.

Whether your child is experiencing congenital or acquired ptosis, early intervention is crucial to prevent long-term vision complications. At Alamo Pediatric Eye Center, Dr. Chhabra offers personalized and comprehensive care for children with ptosis. After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Chhabra will recommend the most suitable treatment based on the severity and underlying cause of the condition. In some cases, that might involve surgery for eyelid repair.

A ptosis surgery procedure involves the use of special techniques to tighten the eyelid muscles, giving them more support. Depending on several factors, surgery may be able to wait until the child is a bit older, or it can be done shortly after the condition is diagnosed. Either way, Dr. Chhabra will be here to provide guidance throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does ptosis affect a child's vision?

If left untreated, ptosis can have a significant impact on a child's visual development. This condition can lead to amblyopia, more commonly known as "lazy eye," where the affected eye is weaker than the other. This is because the drooping eyelid may obstruct the child's line of sight, limiting the visual input from the affected eye and forcing the brain to rely more on the other eye.

Early detection and treatment of ptosis are crucial to prevent long-term vision complications like amblyopia. By correcting the eyelid position and addressing any underlying causes, a pediatric ophthalmologist can help ensure proper visual development in both eyes and minimize the risk of lasting vision impairment.

Could my child's ptosis go away on its own?

Congenital ptosis, or ptosis that a child is born with, may show improvement as the child grows and the muscles and nerves around their eye mature. However, it is important to note that not all cases of congenital ptosis will improve without intervention.

Given the potential impact of ptosis on a child's visual development, it is crucial to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist, like Dr. Chhabra, who can closely monitor the situation. Regular check-ups will allow Dr. Chhabra to track any changes in the child's ptosis and assess their overall eye health. If the condition does not show signs of improvement or begins to interfere with your child's vision, he will recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Will insurance cover my child's ptosis treatment?

At Alamo Pediatric Eye Center, we take immense pride in our commitment to providing accessible and comprehensive eye care for all children. We understand that healthcare costs can be a significant concern for many families, which is why we are pleased to accept most insurance plans, ensuring that your child receives the vital eye care they need without causing financial strain.

How can I get started with the best pediatric eye doctor near me?

We always aim to make requesting an appointment as simple and convenient as possible. You can request an appointment with us online, or if you'd prefer to talk to someone, give us a call at 210-624-8282. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in finding a suitable date and time for your child's appointment.

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Brighter Futures, Clearer Vision
